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Tuesday, August 1, 2017

June, 2017 Meeting of the Birmingham Doll Club of Alabama

The June, 2017 meeting of the Birmingham Doll Club of Alabama was held on June 11, 2017 and was hosted by Barbara H.  This was an exciting meeting with installation of new officers and a workshop to make favors for the October doll luncheon "Fall In Love With Cloth Dolls". 
New officers include:  President-Billye C., First Vice President-Jill S., Second Vice-President-Jill M., Secretary-Sharon K., Treasurer-Debra F., and Historian-Dorothy C. 
The New Officers Installation ceremony

The Birmingham Doll Club of Alabama is a member of the United Federation of Doll Clubs (UFDC).  The official logo of the UFDC is Miss Unity.  During the installation ceremony the new officers "build" Miss Unity. 

Miss Unity is complete
A gorgeous and delicious cake, almost too pretty to eat!
The Doll Club presented out going President Barbara H. with a gift.

This beautiful Heubach Kopplesdorf doll had been loving restored and dressed by Dorothy. 
Hard at work!

Can you guess what we are making?