Monday, April 28, 2014

 “The Magical World of Alabama Dolls”

The Birmingham Doll Club
 presents a luncheon with program and special doll by Robert Tonner.

Time: Saturday, October 11, 2014 – 11:00 AM
Place: Shoal Creek Country Club, 100 New Williamsburg Dr., Shoal Creek, AL 35242
Cost: $75 per person if ordered before July 1st.  $80 if ordered thereafter.
Limited to 75 participants

Introducing, a new doll from Tonner, “Patsyette.”  This special doll is a classic originally made by the Effanbee Company as part of the Patsy family of dolls, and Tonner is making her new again.  The Birmingham Doll Club is very excited to be offering you this opportunity to have the new Patsyette made by Tonner and dressed by the club members, and we look forward to her reveal on October 11, 2014 at the Magical World of Alabama Dolls Luncheon!

There will also be helpers and a charity sale table as well as a short presentation by Jill Sturgeon on Miss Iwate, one of the Japanese Friendship dolls, a short presentation by Jill Mann on Bama Babies, and displays of other Alabama-made dolls.

The main program by Sandra Gillis, a well-known area story teller, will be on fairies. There will be a buffet of Southern Food including fried chicken with all the trimmings, ending with Banana pudding for dessert.

It will be a fun day! Don’t miss it.

Please detach the following application, fill it out and mail it to:
        Billye Currie, 4080 Old Leeds Road, Birmingham, AL 35213

Make check payable to The Birmingham Doll Club              

Name: ________________________________________________________________________

Address: ______________________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________

Email: _______________________________________________

If purchasing more than one reservation, please list names below:



Amount enclosed: ___________________________

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