Saturday, November 12, 2011


Normandy Bonnet (from the Delineator 1886): The Normandy Bonnet achieved great popularity for children's wear during the 1800's, a style derived by fashion artists from the headgear of French peasants from the region of Normandy in northwest France. The headdresses were a veritable symphony of fine, often handmade, lace, with frills and furbelows, depending on the region where they originated. Of course the children's bonnets were simplified, but nontheless charming.

The first pattern above is for an 18" doll and the second for an 11" doll. Follow instructions carefully. Remember to double click to enlarge images. A wonderful aspect of this style is that it can be made simple or extremely elaborate, depending on how much decoration you add. For instance, you may decorate the band on top with lace frills or flowers and the bottom edge with pleated ribbon all around. You may add ribbon ties with rosettes where they attach (zig zag stitch on ribbon by hand and draw up the gathers to make a rosette).

The third photo shows our patient teacher Dorothy with avid learners. The bottom photo is of Sharon's hand carved Hitty with her brand new (not quite finished) Normandy bonnet. She will pleat the back edge to fit her head and add ribbon ties and perhaps decoration.
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