Monday, September 12, 2011


Effanbee Patsy Tinyettes, 1 of 50 shaved muzzle teddy bear, 1927 Hebee Effanbee compo, Norah Wellings cloth doll, wooden Dutch doll,  Franz Schmidt bisque head baby, stuffed felt handmade figures from NC, and Effanbee Patsy Baby.

Reproduction French "H," only one original found. made in France in the 1870's perhaps by Halopeau.  Repro by Denise Dotchin in Bedford, UK.    Effanbee Button Nose dolls, talking Dora doll, handmade paper Santa ornament, and Dewees Cochran doll cleaned up, hair washed and set, and original skating outfit copied.  The paper Santa was made by Sus Devnani.  Her website is only takes phone orders. Tell her your request and she will send it. She also makes many other dolls besides Santas. She also will put your own childs picture on a doll. She does these all year and would have some stock to send the next day. She is very interesting and is also a doll collector.

Georgine cloth doll with much-desired dress with hearts, Googly and another all bisque.

Interesting handmade cloth "Hitty-Kitty," looks like wooden Hitty doll, but cat-like, and 1940's Ruth Gibbs china with gold painted shoes, dressed as a bride.
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