Tuesday, April 5, 2011


 Here is Christine's (former member) Frenchy Simon Halbig (has pink kid body) wearing her ebay antique bonnet.  Think it's over the top?  Never mind.  She can carry it off.

I found this AM Mabel at the Tupelo, MS Doll Show.  Also bought the dress.  A dealer had lots of doll clothes for sale made by an Englishman from antique cloth and lace.

 My SFBJ has been without an outfit for years, and I found this at the Tupelo Show.

Here is an idea for doll display using valentine candy boxes.  The dolls are wired in through holes punched in the box.  NOTE:  I just realized they could benefit from a lacy or doily edging.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Wow! What a attractive site you have created. These are high quality trendy and traditional doll clothes. Really, great selection. Thanks a lot....

    18 Doll Clothes
