Thursday, March 10, 2011


The Birmingham Doll Club of AL sponsored a Wooden Doll Carving Workshop March 3-6, led by Janet Cordell. There were many happy and talented carvers working, and with her direction, turned out some amazing works. A few had never carved before, and were doing an excellent job. Someone years ago found an old wooden doll in an antique shop named Hitty, and this inspired a book HITTY, HER FIRST HUNDRED YEARS, which has inspired many to carve their own wooden dolls.

Here is the group of proud carvers.

Some carved the Hitty doll, but Sharon learned to carve a tuck comb doll.

Here is Janet with her tuck comb doll, partially finished.

Here is the Hitty book surrounded by finished examples of Hitty dolls and a Grandmother doll.
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