Monday, January 17, 2011


Here are hand carved dolls, based on the antique Hitty doll found in an antique shop years ago. Some of these were carved by Sharon, the one at bottom right, for instance. Notice the unusual wood. She says it smells sweet. Mock orange? Notice the heart shapes. The dress is made by smocking a vintage handkerchief. Really nostalgic, and a way to use those old hankies. The carvers usually start with a blank provided, and go from there. They are sanded, finished with a sealer and have features painted. Sharon doesn't want to paint the one with wood grain showing, except maybe a few facial features. Very unusual.

If you are interested in joining a carving workshop in March in Birmingham, AL, sponsored by the Birmingham Doll Club of AL, contact Sharon (see post below about carved wooden dolls).
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  1. Hi Sharon,
    I am very interested in your hand carved dolls. Are you still making them? My email address is: hope to hear from you.

  2. Im interested in a doll carving workshop.
