Thursday, June 17, 2010


Jill gave an interesting and informative program on vintage Md. Alexander cloth dolls. The first 2 photos are Md. Alexanders, and the 3rd is not. You can tell an "imposter" by looking at many dolls and noticing the molding detail and the way the face paint is applied. The clothing is marked, but the dolls are not. The vintage Md. Alexander cloth dolls are sought-after, and bring high prices on ebay, though they are continuing to make them.
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1 comment:

  1. The Alexander dolls are typically all around 16" - in the first photo, we have Oliver Twist, Alice in Wonderland (with all cotton face), Jo (from Little Women),and Pip (from Great Expectations). Oliver, Jo, and Pip have the felt/velveteen faces.
    In the second photo, the dolls are the Little Shaver, based on Elsie Shaver's drawings, Bobby Q from the cartoon series, and the baby is So Lite. The little doll is a Little Shaver repro - very well done.
