Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Raggedy Anns and Andy



Here is a "Mama-made" Raggedy Ann which took my fancy at the Huntsville Doll Show and Sale. She is my mascot during chemo; I love her expressive eyebrows, her surprised look, and crazy outfit. She makes me smile.

Here are a pair of Knickerbocker Raggedies from the 60's that I found at the flea market for $5.00 each. What a find for a collector! They are all original, even with ribbons and hat, and obviously never played with.

Raggedies are definitely collectible, and still can be found at reasonable prices.

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1 comment:

  1. MA, These are quite a find. My daughters, Leah and Amy, dragged around Raggedy Anns for a couple of years each... and then, later on, both of their dolls were housemates in the dog toy box for our fat, black lab daughter, Jessie.

    The Andy fellow looks gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
