Sunday, January 3, 2016

December, 2015 Meeting of the Birmingham Doll Club

Our Annual Christmas Party was held on December 13th and was hosted by Debra and Jill M.  After a short business meeting, we had refreshments and exchanged Secret Santa gifts.  Santa was very good to us this year!!!

Dorothy received these mischievous Elves!

Janet and Lydia

Jill with her adorable boy doll.

Barbara received figures associated with a king cake and Christmas in a display case

Information on the back of the display case

Little angel
Janet and her smiling Elf

Debra opening her gifts
Janet with her celluloid girl. 

Jill M.  received this sleeping Effanbee baby
So sweet!!!!

Lydia with her gorgeous Hilda reproduction. 

Hilda could not be persuaded to rotate 90 degrees, but she is still beautiful!!

This picture is blurry because I was trying to focus on Michelle's tiny Shirley

Shirley is so small she can ride in a lipstick case.

Shirley was hand carved by Sharon especially for Michelle-Lucky Michelle!!!

Sharon with her Russian doll