Friday, December 20, 2013

December Luncheon and Secret Santa Party

Our hosts Debra and Beverly provided a lovely lunch, which was followed by opening of our Secret Santa gifts.  We had a happy time together.

 Lovely decorations for the table.
 Santas for the serving table.
 Mary with fairy furniture chair from our workshop..

 Sharon, Billye, and Janet

 Debra with half (broom) doll.

 Beverly with Steiff owl.

 Barbara's gift of a Valentine Storybook doll.

 JoAnn liked her 2 dolls with ice skates.

 Jill S. admired her 3 black dolls.

 Sharon is happy with her special wooden carved bust.

 Billye likes Annalee.

 Jill Mann's handmade Santa made by Dorothy.

 Ann with her sweet bisque doll.

 Janet with her special gift.

 Mary likes her mouse (?).

 Dorothy got a special ornament.

Jill cuddling her Santa, which she said she'll display year around.