Thursday, October 18, 2012

Original Dorothy Clark Dolls

Clowns, pressed felt face made from Dorothy's orig. clay sculpture.  All felt, jointed. Green Nose has glass eyes.

All cotton baby holding needle felted dog (antique face).  Two needle felted elves.

                   Santa candy container, all felted

Needle felted sock monkey and needle felted bears (all jointed).

 Needle felted Raggedy Ann

Christmas elves, pressed felt face from orig. clay sculpture, all felt and jointed.

Original Dolls by Our Member Dorothy Clark

Dorothy says there are stories that go with each one, but they are briefly described below.  Cllick to enlarge.

Little Casey and Clown, pressed felt face made from orig. clay sculpture,
photo face doll of member's daughter

Aunt Rose Comfort, clay sculpture

Boris Gould, pathologist, and Prof. Awful Boring, Berlin Symphony Conductor

Ace McGee the flim flam man,who sells hair restorer, and Portrait of girl with photo

Sculpture in polymer clay of Santa

Show and Tell Dolls - Billye

Billye with vintage Japanese doll; eggshell composition

R. John Wright's Golliwogs and the Little Prince

Happy Birthday to Ann!

Happy Birthday to you, Ann!   This is Ann's beloved yoyo rag doll.

Georgene Raggedy Ann Program - October - Georgenes and Others

Clock on photos to enlarge.

A Volland Raggedy from 1915; she has a hair redo; clothing not original

Knickbocker pair from the 1970's

Dress Me Knickbocker and Mama Made

Miscellaneous Georgen Raggedys - one Mama Made and one Repro Molly'E

Raggedy Ann Mama Made (I loved her expressive eyebrows, and she helped me get through chemo).

 Beloved Belindy knockoff bought in New Orleans

Mama Mades Raggedy Andy and an ethnic Raggedy Ann (Made by Martha)

Awake/Asleep Georgene from the 40's

Georgene Raggedy Ann - October Program

Jill presented an informative program on Georgene Raggedy Ann dolls.  Georgene Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls were made from 1937 to 1962 by the Georgene Novelty Company, run by Georgene (Madame Hendron) Averill and her husband, Paul Averill.  The dolls have five distinct faces, from the early black outlined nose dolls to the thicker featured dolls with four lower eyelashes.  The Georgene Raggedys are loved by collectors for their sweet faces and precious, diverse cotton clothing.

A Knickerbocker Ann, a Georgene Andy and Ann

Jill with a Mama Made from the 1940's McCall Pattern

A Georgene Ann with a sweet Knickerbocker Ann

A well-loved Knickerbocker Andy (Barbara's son's) with Johnny Gruelle book

Billye's childhood Georgene Raggedy Andy and Ann 

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Porcelain Dolls by Martha Hopkins 1970's

I made all but the Choctaw Indian doll on the left.  The pink and blue "twins" are from a mold known as Pinkie.  These dolls have cloth bodies with porcelain heads and limbs.

Here are Hilda on the left (all porcelain), a black and a white Bye-Lo Baby, a repro Kestner baby, and an A.M. Dream Baby - all with cloth bodies and porcelain hands.  All these dolls have glass eyes.
I signed all my dolls with M.H. and the year made.

All porcelain Kewpie twins dressed in coton crocheted dresses.