Friday, January 29, 2010


Here is a 16.5" hard plastic 1950's walker with "160" on her neck. She may be LuAnn Simms by Roberta Doll Co. LuAnn was a singer, and one of her recordings is "Little Rag Doll." The 1915-1922 compo on the right is 15" Effanbee's "Baby Dainty," all original,complete with skates. Her body is cloth. They are both all original and in wonderful condition; dolls like this hold their value.
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Monday, January 11, 2010

CLOTH DOLL DISPLAYS (Double click to enlarge pics)

This collector loves cloth dolls, as you can see, but these china dolls at the bottom by Ruth Gibbs caught her eye, and they joined the others in her doll case.
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Effanbee's Patsy dolls were a hit in the 1920's and 1930's, and many other companies tried to copy her looks without getting too close in order to avoid a lawsuit. This resulted in many other cute dolls representing this time period for collectors to enjoy today. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed this program on often overlooked dolls.
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